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  • Writer's pictureDarren Fancy

Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, Vaaaaacccccine

(sung to Jolene by Dolly Parton)

The blog where I use "apparently" a lot as I don't want to be charged with insighting violence, regime change or general rowdiness!

In a previous post, I had mentioned going to Bumrungrad Hospital to see about getting the Covid vaccine shot.

Things have changed since the middle of June, yet again.

The 3rd wave is hitting Thailand hard! The last 3 days have seen cases of over 11 000. Apparently, numbers have a way of going up and down as the government feels it needs to control the population.

There are weekly protests to call for change and a better vaccine rollout for Thai people. Apparently, the government's response, pass a law that no more than 5 people can gather at any one time. The protest crowd this past Sunday didn't get the memo. (most laws and regulations are enacted in the wee hours of the morning as to cause the greatest amount of confusion, apparently)

The Sinovax vaccine from China proved ineffective in helping people (600 medical staff got Covid after 2 shots of the Sinovax vaccine. They then had to have a "booster" of AstraZeneca). Western news agencies report these. Thai agencies don't! People, apparently, are accusing the government of kickbacks in obtaining such a large amount of the Sinovax vaccine.

Thailand is producing the AZ vaccine, but production is slow in coming. The monthly number of the actual vaccine decreases daily, apparently.

The Thai government held their stance that they would only vaccinate the Thai population.

This seems fair, as most foreigners will pay for any medical attention they need and thus pay for the covid vaccine.

Americans were complaining to Washington about not getting the vaccine. They still pay American taxes, and the US government needs to look after them, even on foreign soil.

The French, Swiss and Chinese all sent vaccines for their foreign population in Thailand, apparently.

I did have another visit to Bumrungrad for an ongoing issue with my ears. The doctor I saw suggested going on the "American holiday" being advertised to wealthy Thais. Go to the US for 10 days, visit LA, Las Vegas and San Francisco and as a souvenir, pick up the Johnson and Johnson vaccine while there. All for about $3000. Everything included. He also suggested returning to Canada and getting the second dose. With a minimum 6-week time frame, that thought quickly left my head.*****calculation-2 weeks of quarantine in Canada. 2 weeks to get the shot. 2 weeks quarantine in Thailand upon return. He also said to get in touch with the Canadian embassy, and they may help!

I did call the embassy. they dutifully and painfully took my information(try spelling your entire email letter by letter using the NATO phonetic alphabet---better yet, try remembering the NATO phonetic alphabet!) I was pleasantly surprised when Justin called personally to let me know I would be getting my shot in the next few days...had you going...

They emailed me(I got the NATO letters right apparently) a few hours later, with helpful information about working with the Thai government to ensure everyone got vaccinated, as the Canadians had done in Canada etc., etc.

At this time, they would not be sending specific vaccines for Canadians living abroad etc. etc. etc. However, I may want to check out these helpful sites for further assistance. Yes, surprisingly, one was helpful. Another hospital was offering vaccines to foreigners.

Phyathai2(5 locations near you) was offering vaccines. I went on the website. They were opening up on Monday, July 12th, at 9 am for pre-registration. Oh yeah!

A couple of weeks ago, media outlets announced that Bumrungrad would be offering vaccine shots to people. You had to log on between 9 am and noon and fill out the preregistration form.

The first morning I started to log on at 8:55-just in case there was a time discrepancy. I hit the login button repeatedly until 9:01. It put in a virtual queue to wait. The page refreshed every 20 seconds or so. I knew it was happening as it told me I have more than a 24-hour wait to get into the actual system, then a 5-hour wait, then a 2-hour wait, then less than an hour.

After waiting in the virtual queue for 30 minutes, it closed for the day, as they had filled all the appointment slots, apparently.

This occurred 3 days running. However, each successive day the queue closed within 10 minutes.

Monday, July 12th came.

8:45 am---Bumrungrad on phone, Phyathai2 on laptop.


8:58 am begin! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat!

Bumrungrad closed at 9:08 am---full.

Phyathai2 Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat!

Oh my god!!!!! I'm on!!!

I filled out the form and submitted it.

Ding! My email. They had received it, and I would know by 8 pm if I was successful in getting an appointment. I could always try the next day again.

That evening I got the text message that I had an appointment on July 21st at 2:00 pm.

I cried.

If you move to Thailand, follow Richard Barrow. A British blogger living here. He knows everything.

The Thaiger, another English news outlet, mentioned that a "one-off" vaccine for US, New Zealand, Aussie and Canadian foreigners was to happen on Sunday, July 18th. This was Friday. I was reading it Saturday. You had to pre-register. I rechecked the article a bit later, and Canada had disappeared from the list.

Richard Barrow to the rescue! He had the link for Canadians! I went on to register. Email response...

We have had a high number of requests...

you'll know by 8 pm this evening...

7:45 pm...I was to report at 1 pm Sunday for my appointment. I may want to arrive 30 minutes early. Be prepared to wait. Bring water and snacks.

Being in Thailand, I left around 10:15 am. I was sort of okay with the directions and how to get there, but I needed time.

Glad I arrived early! This beautiful sight met me when I turned the corner...

It looks daunting, but the majority of the middle section are medical and tech intake workers(doing blood pressure and inputting your information into the system)

It was my first ride on the BTS and MRT in a while. I was confident I could get there with patience and the map they sent in the email.

You start at the back, and after 3.5 hours, you make it into the white building down in the far left.

Although it seemed chaotic, it was quite well organized!

There were a lot of Aussies and Kiwis. I heard some Quebecois and a lot of English. Everyone I spoke to had a 1 pm appointment. Apparently, any Americans had a 4 pm appointment time. (Rumour had it they were only given 200 slots and a few hours to register).

Apparently, the government is producing AstraZeneca for export to other Asian nations. They then hold back so much and do a "good deed" by allowing foreigners access to the vaccine. Good for international relations!

After the shot, you wait 30 minutes and then get your blood pressure done once again. If everything is fine, you are released.

I am released into the world...safely masked, following all protocols(that could change at any minute) and ready to go!

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